The Adventure Capital Newsletter

In receiving The Adventure Capital, you’re joining an elite group of people from around the world. From professional athletes to CEO’s, founders to photographers, and we’ve all got one thing in common - An Adventure Mindset.

The Adventure Mindset - What is it?

Put simply, it’s a mindset that unlocks rapid personal and professional growth. We’ve spent the last 7 years building our version of the adventure mindset, and sharing those learnings with some of the best people and organisations on the planet. It’s built on 4 key traits that develop both you and those around you. The values have been shaped through hours spent on record breaking adventures, and even more hours working with high performing organisations.

  1. Mental Resilience - Turning obstacles into opportunities

  2. Bold Decision Making - Confidence making big decisions

  3. Vision - The ability to set ambitious goals and achieve them

  4. Collaboration - Working as a team to achieve more

It’s not just the words here that are important, but the associated actions. We’ll use The Adventure Capital newsletter to share some of those actions and help you implement the adventure mindset with both yourself and your team. You can expect this email to land in your inbox once every two weeks.

A fresh look đź‘€ 

Some of you have already noticed our new website (thanks for the kind words and the typo 🚩). If you’re yet to see it, then please check it out. We’re hoping it reflects who we are and what we do. Let us know what you think.

A quick note

If you’re reading this, it’s because we have either:

  1. Received your subscription through our website

  2. Worked with you in the past

  3. Have a relationship and value your connection

If you don’t want an email on Adventure Mindset every other week, then please unsubscribe below. No hard feelings.

If you have any questions, please just drop us an email and we’ll be happy to chat.

Tom & James


or to participate.