Do Farmers have the ultimate mindset?

and what can we learn from one of the toughest jobs in the world?

Which profession consistently displays a mindset for growth, success and happiness?

Typically, we think of Big Business CEO’s as the ultimate achievers who can speak to mindset for success. Perhaps Adventurers in some aspects and Military personnel in others. But I’m going to make the case below for a different candidate in this arena. The less glamorous and least romanticised of the lot, but one that practices the values of high performance more than most: Farmers.

As we’re constantly served up content on this topic, from YouTube to TikTok and everything in between, there are some consistent themes throughout. None more upon than the power of purpose, and the role that plays in our motivation and mindset. For the the ultimate example of purpose, you don’t have to look much further than the Farmers who tackle one of the toughest jobs in the world on a daily basis.

So with that in mind, here’s 5 reasons why Farmers are some of the most productive people in the world 👇

  1. Work with true purpose:

    • Farmers have a deep-rooted connection to the land, often passed down through generations. This commitment to preserving and nurturing their land motivates them to work tirelessly to ensure its productivity.

  2. Incredibly Adaptable:

    • Whilst most of us hide in our warm homes and wait for winter to pass, Farmers are highly adaptable, adjusting their work to the changing seasons and weather conditions. Seemingly taking it all in their stride. They demonstrate resilience and resourcefulness in the face of challenges, such as adverse weather, pests, or diseases.

  3. Incredible Work Ethic:

    • Farmers typically work very long hours, often starting their days before sunrise and working until well after sunset. Their willingness to put in long and physically demanding hours showcases their productivity. The power of purpose plays a huge role in this sort of work ethic. How many people do you know putting in these sort of hours?

  4. A Learning Mindset:

    • Farmers are constantly learning and evolving, staying up-to-date with the latest agricultural technologies and techniques. This commitment to ongoing education demonstrates their motivation to improve their practices. Farming is a results based business, so staying ahead of the game is crucial.

  5. Patience and Timing:

    • Farmers demonstrate exceptional patience and timing in their agricultural practices, carefully planning their activities to coincide with the optimal seasons for planting, cultivating, and harvesting. This precise timing is a testament to their motivation and productivity, as they understand that the right timing can significantly impact their yields and overall success.

Farmers are a rare group.

They work through some of the toughest conditions out there, and are still outperforming everyone on both the productivity and personal satisfaction scale.

So maybe we should be looking here for lessons and inspiration, rather than to those self-proclaimed Founders or CEO’s that are shouting about the next great supplement to replace meals or the bio-hack that saves you 45 seconds in the morning.

Channel your inner farmer instead.


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