Go for it!

Why failing to make a decision is the worst choice

“Fear of failure is the number one reason people fail to make decisions”

It makes sense then, to use this email as a reminder that even in the absence of active choice, a decision is still made.

When we hesitate or delay, we choose the path of inaction, allowing circumstances to dictate our lives instead of taking control ourselves. The importance of decision making becomes evident as we recognize that the lack of a decision can lead to missed opportunities, stagnation, and a sense of powerlessness. It compels us to acknowledge that every moment is an invitation to shape our own destinies, and to embrace the consequences of our choices.

So let this be a call to action to deliberate thoughtfully, and to understand that even the decision not to decide carries implications that can shape the course of our existence.

We are currently in the process of landing on our next big adventure. You can bet that fear of failure won’t enter our mind when it comes to making the final decision!

Make that decision. Take that leap.


or to participate.