The power of the people around you

Surround yourself with the best

A huge part of the Adventure Mindset is being humble, and knowing what you don’t know. Surrounding yourself with the right people holds immense significance in shaping your journey. We are massively influenced by the individuals around us, as they have the power to impact our mindset, beliefs, and actions. Robert Louis Stevenson once said, "We are all travellers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend".

The right people can provide invaluable support, guidance, advice and inspiration, enabling us to navigate the unpredictable terrains of personal and professional life with greater strength and purpose.

They challenge us to grow, encourage our dreams, and share in our triumphs and tribulations. In both short-term, and long-term relationships, surrounding ourselves with positive, like-minded individuals fuels our motivation, elevates our aspirations, and ultimately propels us towards success. Thus, choosing our companions wisely is an essential aspect of building personal growth, happiness, and fulfilment.

So we encourage you to be wise, consider those that you spend time with and seek those honest, positive people.

Half way up El Capitan with Alex Honnold and Tommy Cauldwell


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