The Press-Up Challenge

100 press-ups a day for a month

The Challenge

Sometimes, simple is best. So this month, we are doing 100 press-ups a day, for 30 days.

The Rules

There are no rules. You can break these down however you like.

1 × 100

2 × 50

5 × 20

The options are endless…

Please scale these to best suit your fitness too. That means knees down, off the walls or upside down are all viable options - whatever you prefer.

This challenge is about consistency and completing the 30 days. No injuries over here!


Well if you know a thing or two about us, you’ll know that we love a challenge. However big or small it may seem, we love seeing the results of consistent actions stack up.

We think that 100 press ups in a day seems do-able and relatively insignificant. But add that up, and 3000 press ups in a month is far more significant.

We also find that when we take small steps like tackling 100 press-ups in a day, it impacts other aspects of our life, and leads to other, more positive behaviours. So it’s a win win…

Please join in!

We want to share this challenge with anyone and everyone that wants to get involved. We shared our plans on LinkedIn and were surprised with the response.

Just like when we took on the Advent Running a couple of years ago, we love to share the challenge with others. So get involved and let us know that you’re onboard in the comment section below.


or to participate.