Vision > Goals

Why you (and most people) are not achieving your goals

We’ve hosted Goal Setting sessions with individuals and teams at some of the most successful organisations on the planet - all of whom falling victim to the same issue and result. Ultimately, those goals were not reached. Most goals were barely even acted upon. Why?

Why is it that ONLY 9% of Americans achieve their NY Resolution?

The answer is pretty simple. Goals are great, but they are pointless without a larger vision.

Why is it that all successful companies have vision statements, yet as individuals, we don’t? These vision statements exist to help the health, happiness and growth of the business. All values that we as individuals place upmost importance on, yet we never even explore them.

Vision and goals are distinct yet complementary concepts. The vision sets the long-term aspiration and purpose, providing a compelling "why" for the journey. Goals, on the other hand, outline the specific, measurable steps to achieve that vision. While a vision inspires and guides, goals provide the roadmap and structure necessary to turn the vision into reality.

In essence, vision fuels the passion, while goals provide the strategy for its realisation.

Too many of us see the achievement of a goal as the end result. Then what?

We challenge you to zoom out. Think longer term and ask yourself “what do I truly value in life. What makes me happy?” Once you have these core values that make you, you - your goals will fall into place naturally.

Re-working our “Goal-Setting” session has had a HUGE impact. Helping individuals write their own personal vision statement means they see goals with clarity for the first time in a long time, and the results have been incredible. Motivation through the roof, action being taken immediately and genuine drive to overcome obstacles.

Give it a go yourself or with your team, and if you want a hand with it. You know where we are.


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